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Last week CWPMA participated in a comprehensive update on the EJMT study process.  For our membership this is something that we been have been focused on for several years and the takeaway from the call is the following:


  1. With the current and planned upgrades, the only solutions for transit through the tunnel for hazardous materials that the state authorities are willing to consider at this time include
  2. Empty tanker trucks Eastbound through the tunnel  with the understanding that there has to be some mechanism for being able to notify officials that the truck is indeed empty
  3. They are willing to consider full transports both east and westbound during low traffic volume nighttime hours.
  4. Finally they are comfortable with the current system


The next steps logistically are to tackle the policy, operational improvements, and safety recommendations in a targeted manner with state partners and then advocate for those changes with the broader group and state level decision makers.

Clearly the study was conducted in a professional and comprehensive manner and if you need a copy of the study itself please contact the association offices.  The next steps for the Association will be determined by the Trustees.  CWPMA and our partners will have to continue to push this conversation, and in the short term will be requesting rule and statutory changes consistent with the proposed solutions recommended by the study teams. Further, we are looking at diverting   some of the new federal stimulus dollars and the money from the forthcoming transportation package for enhanced tunnel upgrades.

Finally it is also clear that the folks in Silverthorne and Dillion continue to be the biggest roadblock to initiating this change.  The study conducted went to great lengths detailing their concerns and the reality is that no solution is going to completely mitigate all risks.

Below is a note form CDOT who continue to be willing to engage in this conversation:


I have attached a summary of the meeting as well as the slides that were presented. It was clear through the discussion that there are items related to the study recommendations that stakeholders are interested in studying further. For example, what is the definition of an empty tanker? How feasible is it to add foam to the existing fixed fire suppression system? For the latter, CDOT can explore further. However, for ideas that need further definition and discussion, such as the definition of empties, there needs to be a broader discussion. For those interested, please provide feedback to the following questions:

·  What topics need further discussion and exploration?

·  Would you/your organization be willing to either participate in or even take the lead on facilitating discussions on a particular issue identified for further study?



EJMT Hazmat Stakeholder Meeting Summary 2_4_21.pdf


2-4-21 EJMT Haz Study PPT.pdf
