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Colorado - Denver's Zero Waste Referred Measure and Initiative - Important for Operators in Denver

I am requesting that all of you that operate in Denver or have dealers in Denver please read/forward the below and  respond by August 31st. This  thing is going to require that ultimately every commercial facility provide recycling and potentially composting  depending on ultimately who is included in “food waste producers”. (recycling seems to be universal.) I have submitted a battery of questions to the program manager and am awaiting a response –

(This is in addition to the State’s EPR program which is concurrently being set up by CDPHE – and will likely have redundant and conflicting provisions).

How did this happen – Denver voters (not the council) approved this measure in 2022. The ordinance was essentially virtue signaling and left the details largely unanswered… There has been a task force in place for the last six months or so and they have been discussing alterations and recommendations for an implementation ordinance to support this.

These are the questions we are asking: as you take the survey please keep them in mind when answering the questions relative to feedback. : Take our survey 

This is the proposed timeline: based on size for nonresidential operators in Denver.  The underlying ordinance actually set timelines (some of which have already passed)  which the city is simply not enforcing (which as an aside highlights the silliness if virtue signaling petitions and referred measures – i.e. lets pass something but give the authorities no direction on how to enforce it).

This will likely be the timeline:

·         For residential premises with 75 or more dwelling units and premises with more than 25,000 square feet of any non-residential use, a comply-by date of 12 months from the adoption of the rules, but no later than January 1, 2025.

·         For residential premises with 25 or more but less than 75 dwelling units and premises more than 5,000 square feet and up to 25,000 square feet of any non-residential use, a comply-by date of 18 months from the adoption of the rules, but no later than June 1, 2025.

·         For residential premises with eight or more but less than 25 dwelling units and for all other non-residential premises, a comply-by date of 24 months from the adoption of the rules, but no later than January 1, 2026.


Waste No More

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We Want Your Feedback by August 31!
The Waste No More Ordinance passed with voter approval last year. A Task Force has been proposing changes to the ordinance to make it clearer and more enforceable. Take our survey to share your thoughts on the revisions. We’d love to hear from you!

On November 8, 2022, 70% of Denver voters approved the Waste No More ballot initiative. This ordinance requires apartment complexes, restaurants, office buildings and other businesses in Denver to offer recycling and composting services. By law, it must be implemented as written and no changes can be made to the ordinance for at least six months. To assist in enforcing, clarifying requirements, and overseeing recommendations for this ordinance, the city is forming a task force. It will include representatives of the entities directly regulated by the ordinance, other stakeholders indirectly impacted, ballot sponsors and members of City Council.