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Colorado Stations Owners:

AFP has reached out and wants to host some events at stations around Colorado:

As an FYI, here are some examples of the media coverage these events have been garnering in other parts of the country:


AFP is looking for Colorado Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association members who would be interested in joining AFP’s “True Cost of Washington” event series they are hosting throughout Colorado in the coming weeks to highlight the pain of inflation.

During these events, a select gas station lowers their price of gas to $2.38 per gallon, the national average in 2021, for up to around 2,000 gallons of gas. During this time, AFP covers the price difference between then and now. AFP markets these events via local media and online and they garner a steady stream of customers during this window. AFP also has in-state staff there handing out advocacy materials and hires security to help manage the lines, which can sometimes be very long on the day of the event which typically lasts two hours or less given the high demand.

Please reach out to me at if you are interested.